How to Get Oil Stains Out of Clothes: complete guide

Have you ever had a shirt that simply wouldn’t come clean? It seems like no matter how much soap, water, or 409 you use, the oil and grease just won’t budge. Well, not to worry. There are plenty of ways to get oil and grease stains out of clothes without having to go through all that trouble. In this article, we will show you a few of the most effective methods for getting rid of these pesky stains.
How to get oil stains out of clothes
There are a few ways to get oil stains out of clothes without having to go to the laundromat. The first is to pour a pot of cold water on the stain and let it sit for 10 minutes. Then, use a rag to dab at the stain until the rag comes clean. Finally, pour a pot of hot water on the rag and let it sit for a minute before rinsing the stain free.
Another method is to use diluted white vinegar. Pour 1 cup of white vinegar into a bowl and add enough water to make a paste. Rub the paste onto the stain and let it sit for 10 minutes. Wipe away the excess vinegar with a cloth or paper towel.
Finally, soak clothes in baking soda solution for an hour. Add 3 cups of warm water to a large bowl and add 1 cup of baking soda. Soak clothes in the solution for 30 minutes, then rinse them off thoroughly with cool water.
How to clean oil stains out of clothes
There are a few ways to clean oil stains out of clothes. One is to use a household cleaner and scrub the stain until it comes out. Another is to pour hydrogen peroxide on the stain, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub it away with a brush. Finally, you can use bleach to clean oil stains off of clothes.
How to prevent oil stains from happening in the first place
Oil stains can be a frustrating problem to deal with, but there are a few things you can do to prevent them from happening in the first place. Keep your kitchen clean and organized so that spills and drips don’t accumulate. If you do happen to spill something on your clothes, blot it as quickly as possible with a cloth or paper towel. Don’t rub the oil stain, which will only make it more difficult to get out. And if the stain is particularly stubborn, try using a household cleaner like soap and water.